Friday, October 10, 2008

Youth In Charge

Our world today continues to maintain a fear of speaking out. Of course, protest exists and change happens (gradually), but is it every really heard? Are thoughts that are being expressed ever shared across the world? It’s scary the reality of what are world has become, what our future could possibly be. Can we do anything about it? Can we, as students with opinions and rights, speak out about how we feel and make a difference? We seem to think so…but with a slight fear of what they will say. Our ideas are never fully accepted. As “children” our voices are quiet, and don’t even seem to be heard. This feel of public ignorance is degrading when trying to place an opinion in our world. Shared thoughts, protests, activists movements by the youth in the past has been so much easier, heard through the public. How do we attempt to make a difference? We all want to do something about what we know, about what we believe in. The public, are they scared of what we could do? Are out ideas tarnished as “childish thoughts” because we CAN make a difference, because they are afraid of what we could do? They are destroying our future, why not just hand it over now? Imagine what the youth of our world could do if we were in charge. Our charged ideas would come across as new, fresh, something for a new start. This freedom and acceptance of youth in society would make a tremendous influence on the future, out future, that these people who believe they are doing the right thing are DESTROYING!

1 comment:

Ms Smathers said...

You have a strong point. The youth in the 60's that you heard about from our speakers felt the same frustration, and that is why they marched, protested, burned patriotic items (and bras) and really DEMANDED to be given an audience. Maybe a march is in order? ;>)