Friday, October 10, 2008

Responce to Sandy's Talk

Today while listening to Sandy's talk, I wanted to be anywhere but there. I wanted to be out there, doing what she was talking about. I wanted to rally with my peers to try and make a difference in something I believed in. I wanted to try to change the world, make a memory I could look back and be proud of. Rather then sitting in a dark room staring at a computer screen, I want to go make a difference, create change, and make people think. There is so much going on in the world that needs attention. From the war crimes and fighting in Africa, to the War in Iraq, and then to our addiction to oil. I feel sitting around learning about it is useless, action needs to be taken. I for one don't want to sit by and let other people take that action for me. I hope that the art creation that we are making will truly help alert people, and hopefully i can continue fighting for my cause. I hope to one day make a difference. I want to go to Africa, i want to experience whats going on around the world and ultimately help make change. One person can make so much of a difference, and I want to be that one person.

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