Thursday, October 9, 2008

From Lakota Woman

"You have to make your own legends now. It isn't easy." People are always in a constant state of crisis. It seems they have to be. A culture is always at risk of being eradicated, a species is on the brink of extinction, a society is on the verge of collapse, a human is perpetually on the verge of change. The other day, when I was feeling slightly overwhelmed by the shit I have to deal with over the next generation, someone said to me, "Every generation has these seemingly cataclysmic problems to overcome." Really? Is no one of the same mindset that this is worse than ever? Ah, that is for another time. Occasionally, something shifts from crisis to actual destruction. It's happenening more and more every day now, but that is what this article was half about. It was half about how totally fucked up white people(especially men, sorry but so far it's been true)are. I wish my ancestors had a little better track record, even more so when I have to be compared to Native Americans, Africans, indigenous Central/South American peoples, Ancient Mongols and the like in Asia. So far, we suck. We've got Columbus, Hitler, Bush, and many other evil men who always exploit and destroy. But lately, with globolization and extremely cheap and convinient forms of migration and transportation, the lines of race and culture are blurring more and more. This is both a blessing and a curse. In the instance of this article, when the white people came into this land, they destroyed everything in a brutal, almost unspeakable manner. Of course the people who were already here are going to hold a grudge, but they're much too good for that. They really are a much better people than we are. But after many years of our injustice, they finally decided no more. Then they participated in such a ritual that repaired all that we had raped. The amount of resilience that is present there is utterly amazing. Basically all other cultures in the world are much better than our white supremist narcissitic etc. etc. culture. But now, I know many caucasion folks who have been drawn strongly toward an alternative form of living, and of course, they are accepted. So in that way it is a blessing that we are now able to respectfully assimilate into higher cultures than we are stuck in now. I feel horribly about being a product of many years of negativeness on my predecesors part, but at the same time, I know that I am much better than they were. If I had been a contemporary of them, I might not have been, but I am now. Now we have the opportunity to cleanse our genetic predispostion of it's bad rep. Can we do it?

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