Saturday, October 4, 2008

Lead Paint

What ticks me off is lead paint in various children’s toys. The first thing that makes me really mad about lead paint in children’s toys is that they lead to serious injury and death of poor, innocent young children. I don’t like this particularly because I babysit and I see how much it would affect the parents if something happened to their dearest treasure. Another thing that makes me mad about this situation is that something can be done about it, but nothing ever is. This is really stupid because while The United States is under real pressure to do something about it, China just sits around and watches like it’s the Olympics. The last problem I have with this is that none of the companies tell you if hey used lead paint in what toy. Of course they wouldn’t do this (as it would make their sales plummet intensively), but it would be nice to have an idea of what not to buy if oyu don’t want your child to die. As you can see it is really frustrating to be under attack of lead paint in the most popular form and I think we could, and should do something about this.

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