Sunday, October 5, 2008

The "American" Ego

Leave it to me to wait till the last minute to finish said assignment. Many issues face our generation. Colossal issues that have not even been fully understood and are already affecting people everywhere. It's another matter that humans, especially in the United States, not so much in the Eastern hemisphere, refuse to look deeply into a problem and asses the true foundation of the problem. A good example is in medicine. If you go to the doctor, you report the symptoms and you recieve a drug for that symptom. It matters not if this only covers and suppresses the issue for a small amount of time; their only motive seems to be money. Whether their motivations are good intentioned or not, the result is the same. THIS FIXES NOTHING. It only causes larger, more untreatable problems later. The world has taken such a stance on numerous issues, such as climate change, mass extiction, world wide poverty, genocide, disease, etc. all of which are human caused. But addressing these issues takes a bit more than two weeks, a bit more than one concerned citizen. We shall see.
This enigma, is not however, what I intended to write about as my protest issue. There is one imposing plight, specifically in this nation that I feel must be addressed before any steps can be taken whatsoever.
As I'm sure many of you have heard, and occasionally may have said, many people seem still believe "America #1!". Nationalism, to the extreme is really the only way to term this. As horribly ignorant and short-sighted as it is, people still cling desperately to the notion of "my country, right or wrong". Really? Seriously, United Stateseans are so dumb that they think this is at all logical? If anyone still thinks that the United States is a super-power of the world, a beacon of hope in anyway, I challenge you to a debate. We have failed. There's no other way to put it. At one very brief point in history, right after WWII, The United States was seen as something to be sought after. We are so far behind in technology, innovation, and economic values, that in the very near future, we will become obsolete. Spreading democracy because it's our God-given right to "free" you from the horrible dictators and the primitive situation in which you live. You'll be free if we have to kill you all. Does this make sense to anybody? Can someone please explain it to me? Seriously, if you share this idea at all, talk to me so I can maybe recieve some inkling of the logic (if it exsists) behind it. I could get very specific with this and go into detail about the "as dumb as we want to be" frame of mind that afflicts too many people. I could talk in length about the prime manifestation of this, terming everything concerning the United States as AMERICAN. Looked at a map lately guys? We're not the only ones, and very soon that will become increasingly obvious. But it's late and I'm tired. So it's basically moot at this point. Meh, I didn't find any sites cuz I didn't look. If it's still necessary, I'll post it later this week. Otherwise, 'night.
P.S. We're f***ed. Hopefully the like minded souls can move the masses quick enough.
Can you say cynic?

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