Friday, October 10, 2008

The Exaggeration of Despair

Sherman Alexie shows how horrendous circumstances are for the Native Americans. “The United States is the freedom-loving country where Americans fought each other over the right to own slaves! Ha!” Obviously, Sherman has deep ill feelings towards the “land of the free”. Finding it controversial (in our past U.S. history) Alexie expels his feelings of sarcasm within his poem, by telling of the atrocities done to the Native Americans. This poem is directed to the present day Native Americans, and the ruthless reality that they are treated seemingly of nothing less than animals. Sherman allows his readers to realize the actuality of Native Americans situation, who are stripped of there rights, and left with abuse.
I view this article and poem very disturbing. It is a very harsh and cruel representation of the Native Americans but sadly, I deem are true. Sherman’s technique of humor and being so straight forward in his writing, leaves me shocked, even still when already having some knowledge of the Native Americans hardships. “And this Indian man tells us that back in boarding school; five priests took him into a back room and raped him repeatedly”. This passage is an instance of how harsh and straight forward his writings are. I also found his technique of using more of a comical tone was very interesting. This factor could very well make anyone listen to what he is trying to convey, but I wonder if it sticks to the readers as much as a tragic tone would. However, either way, his point is strongly conveyed regarding the harsh and unjust treatment of the Native Americas

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