Monday, October 13, 2008

Guest Speakers!

I found our guest speakers very interesting. The information on protest form and knowing how to get your point across in a logical and forth right manner was very helpful for me. Learning how to convey your emotions in a powerful manner, and understanding what your protesting to the full extent I viewed as the two most valuable factors when on is to protest. I especially loved Sandy McLaughlin’s tangent on the peace protest against the war with President Nixon. There was much valuable information that I learned, that I had absolutely no knowledge about previously. I found this information sad and enlightening. Is this movement hushed, or am I just ignorant? I found it very appalled that no charges were against those of the Nation Guard who killed the college student’s this is down right unjust to me. There is no justification against killing student, especially those who are no at threat, other than vocal protest. I wish I could have been a part of such a movement, most of all impacting with the music protest such as John Lennon and the Beatles did. However, I didn’t agree with the actions against eh burning o the ROTC building. This act of violence seemed quite unnecessary measure in my mind. To protect peace let there be peace, not burning of building, thus violence. Other than this contradiction, overall this movement seemed so powerful and enlightening, regardless of peoples different view points.

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