Wednesday, October 8, 2008


It seems to me that unless you have something we want, the American government could not care less for you. We (the government) will completely ignore genocide, race wars, corrupt government tyranny's, and any other atrocity unless the country where that is happening has oil, diamonds, or any other valuable resources. The genocide, ethnic wars, and all of the other terrible things happening in Africa are being ignored. And why is this? They have practically nothing of value to us; and the things they do have the western world buys up, thus pumping more money into the hands of their corrupt leaders, and therefore keeping these wars and genocide going. We need to change our policies on these issues. No more should we allow mass killing based on race. After the Holocaust many said never again. Well now we are faced with the challenge of actually making a true difference in our world. I am not exactly sure of how to do this yet, but hopefully we will soon find a way.

1 comment:

Ms Smathers said...

Max, you are right on target. It is so frustrating to look at "corrupt" governments, and then start to realize that OUR government could win the prize for corruption. All the old hippies have done their share, and have sore knees from marching and sore throats from protesting in speech and song. The torch is now passed to you kids. Make it happen!