Friday, October 10, 2008

Kent State Massacre

Learning about the Kent State massacre amazed me. On May 4, 1970 a protest broke out at the University. Soon the National Guard's were called in by the governor of Ohio. It was reported that the students were throwing rocks, even though none were really seen being thrown, and tear gas. Everything quickly got out of hands and the National Guard's fired their guns at the students. When all of the damage was done, four students were dead and nine were left wounded. I think that it is sickening that this could happen in a small town. It was great that all of those students were protesting against something they felt was wrong, the invasion of Cambodia. It is important that they are expressing their feelings and thoughts for their generation. The Kent State massacre spread quickly around the country and evoked an uproar throughout the nation. Also, many musicians like Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, who wrote Ohio and released it to the public at one day after the shooting. This event impacted many peoples lives throughout the world and will live on through the history of protest for many, many years to come. 

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