Friday, October 3, 2008

Your First Blog Assignment....yes, there IS a grade!!

Everyone has protested in some form or other, even if it’s only complaining to your parents that they seem unfair about some issue. Let’s think on a more global, less self-ish level.

In today’s world there are many situations that are appalling. People are starving, there is rampant genocide, and political protesters are being murdered. Ms Smathers posted a link to an article about the current food additive problem in China: the addition of the chemical melamine to baby’s milk and children’s candy. That is only one example.

Here is your first blog assignment:
1. Pick a subject you feel strongly about
2. Post a link to a CREDIBLE source that gives information about that situation to your classmates
3. BLOG about your reactions, opinions and what you think should be or could be done about that situation. For your first “grade” your teachers will be looking for strong writing that lines up to the HS writing rubric. (We’ll give you a copy).

1 comment:

Molly Mitchell said...
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