Wednesday, October 8, 2008

"Musicians and Politics in 2008 Can it Work?"

Before actually reading this article in Under the Radar, I skimmed briefly through it and looked at all the photos. They were really thought provoking and insightful. It seems to me that a large majority of the people in the United States, who are still termed the minority, want basically the same things. They may differ in the proposed means or the finite details, but many issues are alike and are wanted by almost everyone. However, I then read the article, and got a radically different idea of what people want. The article basically addresses the issue from multiple sides. Some people are saying that musicians involvement in political issues is moot, and others say it is the quintessiential factor. Clearly, the United States has reason to be critized and frowned-down upon by the entire world, and much more so, by it's own people. Music seems to always be the general outlet for any passionate feelings that the masses seem to have.
I actually have no idea what I'm saying really right now. Reading this article sorta pissed me off because it was just too divided. On one hand people were saying We, as musicians, shouldn't get involved because it really doesn't do anything. It doesn't help people change their mind, and people listen to music for the fun of it, not because they want to hear about the World's problems, or how "every person makes a difference". I can sorta understand that. Sometimes, when I go to concerts, or listen to music, I don't want to think at all. I just want to zone out and enjoy the soundwaves that are washing my brain. This however is not an option. Ya, I understand how, if the world was perfect and in a stagnant state, then it would be totally fine to just chill out. BUT THAT"S NOT THE CASE! The world will never be ok. To the people who inhabit it, it will perpetually be in a state of crisis. That's just the way it is. Sorry, Get used to it. You can never just make music for the sake of making music. It is such an interpretable and applicible art that even if you are trying to be ojective and not take a stance, almost all of the people who listen to your music will take your music and twist/interprete it to make sense to them. It makes no sense to try and not take a stance. Now of course I sometimes get overwhelmed and greatly need a release. Many times I'll just put on some chill music and relax. That's fine, in fact it's healthy, but that is the individual removing their preconcieved impression of the song and just listening to it. It has nothing to do with the artist. The song is still the same.
What is most critical f0r anyone who creates something creative, is to make it have a point. Sometimes(only sometimes) it's ok for the point to be not having a point, but very rarely is this possible. So it is imperative that everything has a defined political stance in this day and age. If at some point in the future, politics no longer are the defining factor in one's life, then sure, everything is open. But now, you are ruled by politics, and if you don't give a shit, then don't dare complain when things don't work out the way you feel they should. You cannot always expect your government to act in your stead. That's what it was designed to do, but if you don't put forth your opinion, then your government has no fucking idea what you want. So do something.

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