Friday, October 10, 2008

Reflection on Guest Speakers

First of all I wanted to thank Kris Holstrum and Sandy for speaking. What Kris was saying really got to me. She was talking about how us as kids can do just as much as adults can do. I know for me personally I am very into my topic and it is some thing that really gets me mad so I want to change it. But the problem is i dont know where to begin. I have e-mailed a few organizations asking them what to do but i still have no idea on where to start. I want to make a difference. Then the things that Sandy was saying, it so great that all of these college kids got together and protested what they beleive in---the war. These kids made a difference in history and thats what I want to do. Its great that Sandy is aslo still so passonite about what happened these are they things that gets other people involved and gets other people to make a difference. Another thing is, I really do like this protest isp. It has gotten me involved and pissed off to make a difference in the world. I hope every one else is taking this as serious as I am please dont take this as just a away to get passed these 2 weeks really try to do something that will change even just one persons view on a subject.

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