Monday, October 13, 2008

Reaction to satire videos

I found the satire videos pretty harsh and critical. However, they are getting there point across quite perceptibly. Before hand, I didn’t really quite understand the full extent of Satire. Therefore, these videos I felt were a great representation and allowed me to understand the full meaning intended in satire. I especially like the “Vote or Die” video used in a South Park video. This video was pretty funny, but at the same time got the point across. Overall, I thought these videos were pretty severe in showing their view points, but at the same time sends a powerful message.

1 comment:

Ms Smathers said...

Yes! The reason we did the satire section was to help kids really understand what satire IS. You are right that sometimes the artist who creates the piece, whether it's film, painting or music, etc. chooses a harsh presentation to make a point. Sometimes satire really isn't a laughing matter. ;>)