Friday, September 26, 2008

Here's what ticks ME off .....

Read the article (link below). We have tons of things that people punishment, prejudice, etc. Those ARE important issues, for sure.

Here's something that you might find even more compelling. Who is in control of our food and water? Who is poisoning the world's children? Yep, you guessed it; the same people who poisoned thousands of dogs and cats last year...the Chinese "food" industry.

If they had oil, would our government be in there bombing them to kingdom come?

1 comment:

Mr. Young said...

I spoke with Tucker Hensen who visited China last year. It appears it is acceptable to just throw your trash out the window when commuting by train. Apparently they have the same lifestyle we used to enjoy 20 years ago. Tons of pollution, throwing trash everywhere, burning up natural resources. If we, the United States, were the main culprits of destroying the environment, what kind of impact will 1.3 billion Chinese(and the 1.4 billion or so in India) have on our planet?