Friday, October 10, 2008

What Happened?

This post is directed to the adults who were alive at all during the tumultous times that Sandy talked about.

The Sixties and Seventies was clearly an amazing time of youth empowerment and activism. Many horrors occured of course, as they must, most specifically the events of Kent State, as Sandy has just shared with us. Progress was being made. People were starting to listen. I don't think that the people who started this movement planned it out or thought it through at all. It was such an amazing idea, and it worked for a large period of time. The protests, "hippies", acid, love and peace, community; all of the things that people find positive about that time are totally feasable. But did it just get to big? This is the kind of movement that should have totally changed our society, restructured it into a more positive entity. But where did it go? Some attribute it to rising too fast, like the thousands of people who flocked to the Haight Ashbury and San Fransico, the thousands that marched in the streets, the structures ofour society could not handle that, but wasn't that the point? Wasn't that what you were trying to do? Couldn't you have had a little more patience and really changed things. So after the "Death of A Hippie" march and all of that, we just went back almost to the way it was before you cared, in fact we went back in a much worse way. How can you just give up? Did the government just become to powerful and you all backed down. How did that amazing time end? And most importantly Why the fuck aren't you fighting now? Things are so much worse now and what are you doing? Being a housewife? A teacher? Did you go and get a 9 to 5 job and just bury all of your ideals deep in your brain only to be reminsed on later? Seriously? Leave it to the young generation, we did it, so they can too? Please help me understand why this isn't happening right now, everyday?!

1 comment:

The Boykinator said...

Good questions!! My question to you, what the #%@^ are you going to do, so you don't repeat history????