Monday, October 13, 2008

Presidental Debate

My feeling about the presidential debate satire video is that it is very funny, but in a way incredibly scary because it is so true. The reason that I think it is very humorous is because Tina Fey does a great job at portraying Sarah Palin. They are almost identical and the way Tina Fey twists Sarah Palin’s original words into something much more naïve and clueless is fantastic. The reason this video scared me is because it is so true. The reason it is so true is that Palin says such similar things to her comedic counterpart, Fey. Although Fey works Palin’s words into something funnier they are pretty much still the same. Also, Biden’s counterpart portrayed him rather well. This video was hilarious and scary at the same time because of these things.

1 comment:

Ms Smathers said...

Satire IS sometimes scary! It is intended to make us think in a different way about an issue. It's like THE SEVEN HABITS author Steven Covey's example of "paradigm shift," which is a fancy way of saying that you view the issue with a different set of information affecting your judgment. Here's a short retell of his example.

You are on the train, weary from working all day, and across from you are six little kids scrambling all over everything, shouting and driving you crazy. You see their father sitting there staring at them but appearing to see nothing.

Your information set says that he should be paying attention to the fact that his kids are disturbing everyone. You ask him to please tell his kids to settle down, that they are out of control.

Here's the paradigm (or new information set)shift. The man says, "I know. I just can't think of a way to tell them their mother just died."

That gulp or lump in your throat and the thought that you have just been a jerk to him is the actual physical feeling of that paradigm shift.

The hope is that good satire causes the paradigm shift and makes us think with a new information set about that issue.