Friday, October 10, 2008

The Black Panther

In the short paragraph of Tupac Shakur it talks about the black people can say what they want, like James Brown said in one of his songs “say it loud, I’m black and I’m proud”. In one of Tupac’s song called changes talks about the government, and our history from the past. Basically he took off where Black Panther stopped. The Black Panther’s song “Panther Power” they talk about how this was supposed to be the American dream but it all scheme so they can put us back in chains. Isn’t the lady liberty supposed to be giving people freedom, education, and equality? Should we try and change the government?
Panther Power is a strong song because it tells people who they are. Just because the Ku Klux Klan had a sign that said “no blacks allowed” doesn’t mean that you can’t do what you do. Look back on what your mom taught you on your black history, how they never changed so why should you change who you are but, at the same time you have to see that you are not free. If you open up your eyes you will see that you are in chains.

1 comment:

Ms Smathers said...

Good comments, J. You would really like Tupac's book of poetry from his raps. I am really looking forward to your project!