Wednesday, October 8, 2008


While reading about Africa in the Radar magazine, I begin to realize how much of an impact we could really make if we chose to do so. Yes some people are realizing the crisis and helping, but just imagine if we all helped. The article talked of music speaking against Darfur, and I think that is probably the most influence aspect in protest of Darfur. I feel that real life accounts sung within the music would create such an impact on common people that they would understand the conflict better. Perhaps if this was done, such ignorance in Africa would be lessened, thus more people would protest or make some contribution to help.

In the article, Emmanuel Jal shows protest in his music, and the amazing factor about it is because it is his personal story. Also, one of his protests includes the trade of oil for guns between Africa and China (I do not know if this is shown through his music). Before reading this I had absolute no idea of such trades between these countries. If such actions were publically known, I believe things would change even more. But how do we give this knowledge to all of the common people of countries? I find it sad I had no idea about this, and I feel very ignorant. However, I wish there were more impactful ways to show these acts, not only by reading articles. I would love to see some kind of personal accounts and stories of the people in Africa living in those situations. Not only by stories in the news paper, but rallies of the actually people telling there stories through there art and music. Those two components I believe are going to impact the world the most. Then people could take a stand, gain more knowledge of the world, and help the victims of Darfur. Ignorance is our downfall, and knowledge is our hope…so let’s kindle that and make an impact in Darfur through what we are gifted with!

1 comment:

Ms Smathers said...

This is a great point, Amerina, and it's the reason music is truly the universal language. Yes, just reading articles that fire us up, without any concrete action immediately following, does seem to be a weak response to world issues. But as long as we ARE reading and talking to people, telling them to read, at least we are informed. Then we can hope the ideas for how to take action start to concretize impact further audiences, and eventually effect positive change.