Wednesday, October 15, 2008

10/14/08s GuEsT SpEaKeR

So yesterday we had this man come in (i forgot his name, my bad :( ) and he spoke to us of his accounts on the 60's and 70's and all of the different protests he was in. He was in the Navy during Nam and that when he went to Japan for the war and came back, everything changed in a year. There was an uprising (the african-americans) and alot of different protests about the war. He then joined many protests about Vietnam Veterans and whatnot. I think that it takes alot of courage to stand up to a government that you served for. I think he's a great man that should be paid for what he did for our country, even though it wasn't worth it, he still protected this country. I just think he needs to work on his speaking skills because he repeated himself and was pretty stumped. It was pretty....insightful.


Ms Smathers said...

Caleb, it's great that you found our speaker insightful. While none of our speakers are paid professional speakers, I would like to say that they were volunteers, who live and work in our community and were willing to share their experiences with kids. A lot of adults might not choose to do that; it's difficult for most of us to "present" before a group we don't know, especially if there is no common denominator of age or experiences. There are moments in every person's life that are deeply personal, and deciding what and what NOT to share might make one appear to be stumped for a bit. To explain and share the horrible consequences of living through a war must be truly one of those impossible-to-explain experiences.

telluridesandy said...

Jim Russell is one of many who came back from Vietnam disenchanted with our country's war policies. I did not give him any specifics when I asked him to come speak with this class. However, when I canvassed other adults in the community about who should come and speak with the class, Jim's name was the first ALWAYS mentioned.He really painted images in my head,with his descriptions of the swiftboats going against the current up the river. I hope no THS student ever has to participate in a war.