Wednesday, October 22, 2008
How to Dig a Hole
To achieve these high standards of life and social grace upon which she has set herself she looks to affairs. They leave her nothing but grief and a poor conscience. She seeks an abundance of material luxuries. They leave her hopelessly in debt. She wants a comfortable home life, yet she isolates her good husband and daughter with her web of lies and misplaced loves. She slowly digs her hole so deep that there is but one level remaining. In the final parallel with the Warner Bros. Gangster films, the conflicted protagonist dies and long and dramatic death, the only way that justice could be served. Swimin with the Fishies.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
respond to guest speaker
what i feel strongly about
If you're trying to reach the majority of people, I wouldn't recommend this approach.
Yesterday's Speaker
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
10/14/08s GuEsT SpEaKeR
Monday, October 13, 2008
Reaction to satire videos
Vietnam and Activism
guaest spekers
Presidental Debate
Satire-Essential but Frustrating
Being such a cynic, however, I have to express negative feelings about satire occasionally. It is funny, and educational, but it is inactive. Almost everything seems to be inactive these days. All of the people who do make fun of politicians, or who do bring a lighthearted tone to extremely somber issues never seem to take physical action against what they clearly don't believe in.
Educating the masses is essential of course, but to have anything come of it, you have to "get involved", you have to do something to counteract the thing that you are complaining about.
Sarah Palin SNL
Calvin and Hobbes
political satire
Political Satire
I think my favorite political satire I've seen is Earth to America. It was a two hour special on global warming, discussed by some of the best comedians out there. But it wasn't just comedians: the captain of Apollo 13, Robert Kennedy Jr, Blue Man Group, Faith Hill, Tim McGraw...they were all there, discussing global warming and our failing economy. It was hilarious! But not only that, it totally put things into perspective. They would vary it too: Cedric the Entertainer would come on, talking about how, instead of cars, we should use horse and buggy...but then again, how would that possibly work with our cellphone use? I think I sat their cracking up for a good twenty minutes, imagining, for example, my mom riding her horse to work while attempting to talk on her cellphone. But then the mood completely changed: the lighting dimmed down to a dark, opaque blue...and Leonardo Di Caprio came on. Images of the earth taken from space began to flood the screen, with surreal music and quotes from astronauts from all over the world; he then introduced the captain of the Apollo 13 mission, who talked, only for five minutes, but still, about his own experience in space. That part....seeing pictures of our Earth, our Mother...with no visible scars of war or of division of people, was so beautiful that I almost started to cry. Of course, I couldn't sit there and cry the whole time, because then Steve Martian, Tom Hanks, and that guy who does Monty Python came on and off I went again into fits of hysterical laughter.
I think it has to be a mix: the good half of it should be comedy...but then a teaspoon of music, a dash of tears...and there you have it: the perfect recipe for a good point.
Guest Speakers!
Political Satire
responce to Satire
Vote Or Die
The iRack
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Active Protesters
response to guest speakers
My Reaction
Drop Acid NOT Bombs
Youth In Charge
Kent State Massacre
The Black Panther
Panther Power is a strong song because it tells people who they are. Just because the Ku Klux Klan had a sign that said “no blacks allowed” doesn’t mean that you can’t do what you do. Look back on what your mom taught you on your black history, how they never changed so why should you change who you are but, at the same time you have to see that you are not free. If you open up your eyes you will see that you are in chains.
Activism and Protest!
Response to Guest Speakers
Hmm...protest is a bit more complicated then I thought it would be. Kris Holstrom came in today, and gave us the "How to Protest 101". She's mostly an advocate for the environment, but her ideas are interesting and probably very effective.
She said that is important to play on peoples' emotions: negative ones can work the best, but positives could work too. In relation to my own protest, guilt would probably be the main emotion to play on. I mean, there is nothing positive about killing animals the way we do. Perhaps compassion could be used....but very few people have compassion for what they eat.
She also said to make connections for people. She also brought up another great point: how can you make it make sense to others? the case of what we eat, in our self-absorbed, body-image-freak society, telling them the effects of eating chickens that probably have multiple diseases or pigs made to sleep in unclean crates....yeah, that could work.
She makes me feel even more excited, really, about what I'm going to do. Because I'm so passionate about animal rights...just as she cares about the environment; maybe, if I work at it hard enough...then I can protest just as she does.
The Exaggeration of Despair
I view this article and poem very disturbing. It is a very harsh and cruel representation of the Native Americans but sadly, I deem are true. Sherman’s technique of humor and being so straight forward in his writing, leaves me shocked, even still when already having some knowledge of the Native Americans hardships. “And this Indian man tells us that back in boarding school; five priests took him into a back room and raped him repeatedly”. This passage is an instance of how harsh and straight forward his writings are. I also found his technique of using more of a comical tone was very interesting. This factor could very well make anyone listen to what he is trying to convey, but I wonder if it sticks to the readers as much as a tragic tone would. However, either way, his point is strongly conveyed regarding the harsh and unjust treatment of the Native Americas
May 4th 1970
May 4th, 1970
Responce to Sandy's Talk
Reflection on Guest Speakers
Kent/Holstrom Reaction
Vietnam Protest
Think about the Boston massacre. In it a group of disorganized and frightened soldiers fired on a mob, without being ordered to. We are often taught a very single minded version of this event. What we do not hear is that the Patriot leader John Adams, then one of the best lawyers in Boston, choose to defend them. He felt sympathy and understanding as well as anger for their horrible mistakes. We should take our lesson form Adams and see that through a good and non-partisan investigation we can leave the bloody scene feeling condemnation, yet no hate at all.
What Happened?
The Sixties and Seventies was clearly an amazing time of youth empowerment and activism. Many horrors occured of course, as they must, most specifically the events of Kent State, as Sandy has just shared with us. Progress was being made. People were starting to listen. I don't think that the people who started this movement planned it out or thought it through at all. It was such an amazing idea, and it worked for a large period of time. The protests, "hippies", acid, love and peace, community; all of the things that people find positive about that time are totally feasable. But did it just get to big? This is the kind of movement that should have totally changed our society, restructured it into a more positive entity. But where did it go? Some attribute it to rising too fast, like the thousands of people who flocked to the Haight Ashbury and San Fransico, the thousands that marched in the streets, the structures ofour society could not handle that, but wasn't that the point? Wasn't that what you were trying to do? Couldn't you have had a little more patience and really changed things. So after the "Death of A Hippie" march and all of that, we just went back almost to the way it was before you cared, in fact we went back in a much worse way. How can you just give up? Did the government just become to powerful and you all backed down. How did that amazing time end? And most importantly Why the fuck aren't you fighting now? Things are so much worse now and what are you doing? Being a housewife? A teacher? Did you go and get a 9 to 5 job and just bury all of your ideals deep in your brain only to be reminsed on later? Seriously? Leave it to the young generation, we did it, so they can too? Please help me understand why this isn't happening right now, everyday?!
Protest Speakers
Kris helped me with my own protest, brining up good points. To begin with, it is not just enough to have a problem, but it is also necessary to make people care about the problem. You can do this by instilling many different emotions in people, but the bottom line is to make your protest powerful. Another thing she brought up is to have the solution handy when people ask for one. With out a solution, you will have brought up anger, fear, guilt, or any number of emotions and then offer the people nothing to work off of, leaving them helpless.
Sandy's presentation touched me on a more personal level. I enjoyed hearing about the Vietnam protests from someone who actually lived during that era, and had a first hand look at them. Once we got to the Ohio shooting on May 4, 1970, I felt something for the students that had lost their lives, though this was many years ago, and I never knew them. Seeing Sandy tear up about it and explain that things that hit you as a teen seem to be more powerful, staying with you throughout your life. I believe I know exactly what she is talking about, having a wound in my own mental that will forever bleed, though I was only in the seventh grade when it happened. The night of March 24 will stay with me forever, every image from sitting in the medical center up until the moment I had to call a friend and inform them of what had happened.
The song Tom Joed by Woody Guthrie is about a young mans sad adventures in the dust bowl and depression hit west. It deals with family, the law, samaratinism and even religion. The song starts off with Joed getting out of prison on a homicide charge. “There he got his parole.” The first man he meets is not kind, and somewhat frightened of him, hinting at the sad future he has in front of himself. He finds his family living in poverty, and they decide to head west. But his grandfather refused to leave; “I’m staying with the farm till I die.” He does the first casualty of their desperate situation. His grandma dies soon after. In
Thursday, October 9, 2008
From Lakota Woman
My Morning Jacket
Malcolm X
To begin with, Malcolm X says, "The same government that you go abroad to fight for and die for is the government that is in a conspiracy to deprive you of your voting rights, deprive you of your economic opportunities, deprive you of your decent housing, deprive you of decent education." I also find that unjust, but sadly true, as you look back at the time period, and even today. Black soldiers fight and die for America, the same America that has been depriving them of their rights for so long. "You don't need to go to the employer alone, it is the government itself, the government of America, that is responsible of the oppression and exploitation and degradation of black people in this country." Another topic Malcolm X touches on in his speech is how America is only a rich nation, and became so quick, because of slavery and black oppression. "Your and my mother and father, who didn't work an eight-hour shift, but worked from "can't see" in the morning until "can't see" at night, and worked for nothing, making the white man rich, making Uncle Sam rich." Once this fact is brought to your attention, you can see that it is true, and America is a country built on the hard, no pay work of our slaves, not a group of free white men. "Uncle Sam's hands are dripping with blood, dripping with the blood of the black man in this country."
When looking at things in this prospective it is easier for one to see why Malcolm X and his young supporters who were sick of how long it was taking for things to change, becoming impatient with Martin Luther King Jr.'s approach. Malcolm X said that he was "nonviolent with those who were nonviolent with me," and with that as his approach, I believe history is doing him wrong in not glorifying him as much as the peaceful Dr. King.
My Brightest Diamond
From Lakota Woman...a reflection...
The Ghost Dance and its accompanying songs developed in the 1890’s. When the Native Americans were going through their hardest time on reservations, a new religion began to circulate; something like a combination of Christianity and the Native American Paganism. Wovoka, who was a Paiute Indian, said he had been sent from heaven with a prophecy. The prophecy stated that, if all Plains Indians preformed the sacred Ghost Dance, then they would be removed from the Earth while it was remodeled. The white men would be buried under fresh soil, and the Indians would be returned to the land they used to have. This caused the agents in charge of the reservations to panic which, in turn, led to the Wounded Knee Massacre in December 1890.
She says that you can’t live off of the legends of others like a parasite…at least not forever. At some point, you need to make your own. She and her husband returned to Cankpe Opi, a hollow close to where Wounded Knee occurred, and danced with others in a final Ghost Dance in 1970. They still had to do it in secret, afraid if the “feds” found them, but they did it…that is so powerful to me. It isn’t like they expected the prophecy of Wovoka to come true; but by doing this ancient ritual, they brought themselves closer to the Earth and to Her spirit. I can feel the power ebbing in and out of the words she types, and also feel the pain she must have felt to watch. A mixture, really, of pain and joy: joy that her people (even those of different tribes) were united again…but pain that so many had to die in order to accomplish it. How much strength she and her husband have; it is amazing, primal almost, to feel that spiritual energy, even from a paper dotted with the tears of a pen.
I hope that, by doing this, they found what they were looking for.
Heres what ticks me off everyday. Recycling is one of the three R's that also includes reuse and reduse. It is used to make more material or other products out of what has already been used. People in the world don't seem to care for our planet as much as they should. They don't pay attention to what they throw away or how it could one day effect us and others. To make the products and materials that we need in our everyday life they are made in factories. These factories are very pollutant and can effect our human health. Also when we make products from the recycled material it takes less energy and helps us conserve the energy for things more important to us. It is very upsetting to watch everyday, people not recycled things that could easily be recycled. People have become very careless and just throw away those things that take only seconds more to recycle. Recycling is important and I think that we need to pay more attention to it.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Black Ghosts
Pleased To Meet You: Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson
Lykke Li
Singing for Your Party
But think how difficult it is...especially for these bands. OK Go, Modest Mouse, R.E.M.-these are all bands favored by a younger generation, who, save for the select few, do not want to hear about why Obama would make a good president in the middle of a rock concert. There is definetly a fine line between speaking your mind subtly and preaching. Justin Townes Earle, whose dad is super active in politics musically, says some people will tell him, "We love your dad's stuff, but we wish he'd just shut the f*** up."
But they're right. No one really wants to go to a rock concert dressed up in fan attire and hear them suddenly start going on and on about why you need to vote. Makes you feel like your back in school....or sitting with your parents or something. Don't we go to concerts to relax and let go? Sure, but these places, full of possible voters who could change the country, are great places to bring elections up....if only for a short amount of time, and subtly. So, piece of advice to those wanting to do such things: if you write your oppinion in a song, make it real-sounding. If you say something, say it quick and to the point. And....well, you get the picture.
rap and hip- hop
Under the Radar-Spititualized
Democracy and Activism
"Musicians and Politics in 2008 Can it Work?"
I actually have no idea what I'm saying really right now. Reading this article sorta pissed me off because it was just too divided. On one hand people were saying We, as musicians, shouldn't get involved because it really doesn't do anything. It doesn't help people change their mind, and people listen to music for the fun of it, not because they want to hear about the World's problems, or how "every person makes a difference". I can sorta understand that. Sometimes, when I go to concerts, or listen to music, I don't want to think at all. I just want to zone out and enjoy the soundwaves that are washing my brain. This however is not an option. Ya, I understand how, if the world was perfect and in a stagnant state, then it would be totally fine to just chill out. BUT THAT"S NOT THE CASE! The world will never be ok. To the people who inhabit it, it will perpetually be in a state of crisis. That's just the way it is. Sorry, Get used to it. You can never just make music for the sake of making music. It is such an interpretable and applicible art that even if you are trying to be ojective and not take a stance, almost all of the people who listen to your music will take your music and twist/interprete it to make sense to them. It makes no sense to try and not take a stance. Now of course I sometimes get overwhelmed and greatly need a release. Many times I'll just put on some chill music and relax. That's fine, in fact it's healthy, but that is the individual removing their preconcieved impression of the song and just listening to it. It has nothing to do with the artist. The song is still the same.
What is most critical f0r anyone who creates something creative, is to make it have a point. Sometimes(only sometimes) it's ok for the point to be not having a point, but very rarely is this possible. So it is imperative that everything has a defined political stance in this day and age. If at some point in the future, politics no longer are the defining factor in one's life, then sure, everything is open. But now, you are ruled by politics, and if you don't give a shit, then don't dare complain when things don't work out the way you feel they should. You cannot always expect your government to act in your stead. That's what it was designed to do, but if you don't put forth your opinion, then your government has no fucking idea what you want. So do something.
Issues Around The World: Africa
I thought it was really inspiring how he refused to use violence and decided that he would change things using his music instead. It's even more inspiring that he went out and did just that. His music has helped many people to understand just how far hes gone and where hes been. Jal also protested the Olympics in Beijing. "China is taking oil from Sudan and bringing in guns." He wanted to stand up to the world and say ''China is also responsible for genocide in Sudan.''
In the article, Emmanuel Jal shows protest in his music, and the amazing factor about it is because it is his personal story. Also, one of his protests includes the trade of oil for guns between Africa and China (I do not know if this is shown through his music). Before reading this I had absolute no idea of such trades between these countries. If such actions were publically known, I believe things would change even more. But how do we give this knowledge to all of the common people of countries? I find it sad I had no idea about this, and I feel very ignorant. However, I wish there were more impactful ways to show these acts, not only by reading articles. I would love to see some kind of personal accounts and stories of the people in Africa living in those situations. Not only by stories in the news paper, but rallies of the actually people telling there stories through there art and music. Those two components I believe are going to impact the world the most. Then people could take a stand, gain more knowledge of the world, and help the victims of Darfur. Ignorance is our downfall, and knowledge is our hope…so let’s kindle that and make an impact in Darfur through what we are gifted with!
Under the Radar- Article Tiltled Africa
"Reclaiming the Mic: Hip-Hop and Protest"
Energy Waste
environmental issues
On this web site it talks about all the problems in the environment, all of them. but then it also talks about solutions to the problems. solutions as simple as unplugging your electrical appliances when you arent useing them to save energy, or recycleing and many easy tasks just like that. What i dont understand is people are handing us the solution to what is killing our environment and we still cant do it!!!!!!!! it is purely because of the lazyness of the world. if ten people in America unplugged there cell phone chargers when they werent useing them it would save 30% of engery used. it is so simple! so come on people do simple things around your house and RECYCLE IT ISNT THAT HARD. I just dont understand why people dont do it!
debajo del radar
Responce to article " We Sometimes Overcome"
The "From Rock to Revolution" arcticle
OOOHHHHH Canada, eh?
Ignorance of Feelings -- Under the Radar
Music has been a large part of Young's protest, and with the help of many musicians such as Bruce Springsteen, Bright Eyes, and Public Enemy, he has created 2 full CD's of music that portray reality beyond what the media covers. It is terrifying and real. Young's hope of spreading the beliefs about war through music has come true. "I heard that guys had been inspired by it. They knew they could get by on their own, they knew they could make it." Young's plan to bring recognition to world about reality and also comfort to soldiers that they are not alone, has been strong and intimate. This reality that he was "forced into" should be recognized but never experienced.
Monday, October 6, 2008
'Bipolar Soars'
"In the UK, Government statistics indicate 1 in 8 adolescents have depression."
"In the US, the number of children diagnosed as being bipolar increased from 20,000 to and astonishing 800,000 in 10 years."
"number of adolescents under the age of 19 who committed suicide increased by 14% in just one year"
"bewteen 2001 and 2006, the number of prescriptions for ADHD rose 74% for girls, 34% for boys....Study in the Journal of Neuroscience showed that Ritalin casued addiction, stress and social problems in developing minds"
It's not so much a pet peeve, or something that grids my gears, but rather a great concern. One of the reasons this particualr subject struck home for me is that i am in this age group, this is happening right now, to my friends, and my famil. Something is happening to today's youth, something is wrong.
-information from Adbusters No. 75
Sunday, October 5, 2008
My Pet Peeve
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
By: Jayleen Troutwin
An issue that currently frustrates me is the misuse and non-use of recycling. Almost everyday I see people throw things in the trash that could be recycled, for example, plastic water bottles. Why throw something away that could be re-used a couple more times, and then recycled? People are very lazy in America, and because of this, our world is being destroyed. I really believe that people need to pay better attention to what is going on in the world, and need to contribute to the fight to stop global warming, and one thing that will help this, is recycling. Plastic is one of the worst things on this planet, it isn’t natural at all, it’s takes forever to break down, but it is a high demand. Plastic water bottles aren’t the only problem though; there are many others, like plastic grocery bags. Though grocery bags are bad, people have a better knowledge about them and their harm to the Earth. Nowadays, you have to pay for grocery bags, bring re-usable bags, or sometimes, you can’t even get them. I think this is a very good solution to this waste problem, because people can really suffer from no grocery bags. These may seem like small problems, but they can be very harmful to our environment. There are easy solutions, like putting a plastic bottle in the recycling bin, or using canvas bags for your groceries. Hopefully people will take these into consideration, and start contributing to making our world a better place!
The "American" Ego
This enigma, is not however, what I intended to write about as my protest issue. There is one imposing plight, specifically in this nation that I feel must be addressed before any steps can be taken whatsoever.
As I'm sure many of you have heard, and occasionally may have said, many people seem still believe "America #1!". Nationalism, to the extreme is really the only way to term this. As horribly ignorant and short-sighted as it is, people still cling desperately to the notion of "my country, right or wrong". Really? Seriously, United Stateseans are so dumb that they think this is at all logical? If anyone still thinks that the United States is a super-power of the world, a beacon of hope in anyway, I challenge you to a debate. We have failed. There's no other way to put it. At one very brief point in history, right after WWII, The United States was seen as something to be sought after. We are so far behind in technology, innovation, and economic values, that in the very near future, we will become obsolete. Spreading democracy because it's our God-given right to "free" you from the horrible dictators and the primitive situation in which you live. You'll be free if we have to kill you all. Does this make sense to anybody? Can someone please explain it to me? Seriously, if you share this idea at all, talk to me so I can maybe recieve some inkling of the logic (if it exsists) behind it. I could get very specific with this and go into detail about the "as dumb as we want to be" frame of mind that afflicts too many people. I could talk in length about the prime manifestation of this, terming everything concerning the United States as AMERICAN. Looked at a map lately guys? We're not the only ones, and very soon that will become increasingly obvious. But it's late and I'm tired. So it's basically moot at this point. Meh, I didn't find any sites cuz I didn't look. If it's still necessary, I'll post it later this week. Otherwise, 'night.
P.S. We're f***ed. Hopefully the like minded souls can move the masses quick enough.
Can you say cynic?
I just finished reading the posts, yes it took me until Sunday morning to find the time:)
I'm even more excited for this ISP!!! You all provided meaningful issues to get worked up about and address some of the problems that we face not just as Telluride babies or even Americans, but as part of the human race! Good job thus far, and keep thinking of ways to protest.
My peeve
1. The Guru is always right.*
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Lead Paint
Unequal Disperssion of Migrant Work Visas
Created equal?
Friday, October 3, 2008
Animal Testing
Locked in chambers.
Left to die.
Now, forgive me for sounding very hateful right now, but that just isn't right. Who gave us permission to test our drugs on animals? If they are our drugs, then TEST IT ON US!!!! Does it sound like rocket science to anyone? Obviously just saying that isn't going to persuade anyone, but who can give better results to tests of vaccines and such, then our own species?
So, I stand here protesting: no more testing the color of eyeshadow on a rabbit, no tests of stem cell research on rats, no cancer surgeries on apes. No tests of military bio-weapons on dogs that could be rehabilitated back into suitable more.